How to care for baby skin in the summer:
Care instructions
Live fauna around
Experiences of young mothers: how to effectively protect the child’s skin from the dun.
How to care for baby skin in the summer
In summer, when the children’s skin experienc additional stresses (sea water, sunburn, insect bites, increased contamination of open areas, irritation from pet hair, bruises, scratches), parents need to pay more attention to gentle cleansing, delicate care and reliable protection of baby skin. Care for tender baby skin should be particularly careful and thoughtful. Dermatologists believe that in summer the child needs a personal «cosmetic set»
Care instructions
The main rules in caring for children’s skin in the warm season — is to keep it clean, protect from sunlight and properly handle all the «summer» damage.
You need to wash twice a day. The morning procedure should be carried out with cool water. After a long day, the skin needs a more serious procedure: at the end of a long day, the child ran, played, went out in the street, and now starting from the face, it is needed to wash away sweat and dust. All these impurities will be removed by the gel or foam. You can use cream and soap. The most important thing is that the cosmetics/products are for kids. It does not matter whether you have an older child or just an infant, in summer it’s better to bathe them every day. After all, the kids are not only getting dirty, but they are also sweating. In the summer, wash your children more often and longer to maximally clean the delicate baby skin from contaminants and harmful microorganisms. Bathing in the river/lake does not replace properly cleaning the skin alike taking a bath. After the bath or shower, you need to use a moisturiser to soften and restore the delicate skin — it can be a light cream or milk. But in the daytime, before a walk — it is necessary to apply on all open skin — cream with sunscreen factor — not less than 50+, as well as a separate facial and sensitive skin cream (eyelids, lips) with SPF 50. Also grab the cream with you for a walk or for the beach.
How to sunbathe correctly
The baby’s skin opens in the summer for additional oxygen supply of cells and exposure to sunlight, which contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for the prevention of rickets.
The sun can become an enemy if it is treated incorrectly. If your child is not one year old yet, let him stay in the shadows all the time. Children up to the age of three are not recommended for sunbathing, but it’s already possible to stay in the sun for a few minutes. But if you are going to go to the beach, then twenty minutes before sunbathing apply some sunscreen
For children under one year, dermatologists forbid to be exposed to the sun. Therefore, manufacturers of sunscreen products for children, recommend using the cosmetics from one year onwards: this is not due to the fact that they contain components that irritate the baby’s skin, but only to meet the recommendations of doctors.
Sunscreens contain special filters that absorb UVA and UVB rays, or reflective micro pigments.
The ability of tanning to «manifest» and accumulate should not be forgotten. Therefore, after returning home from the beach, be sure to make a bath for the child with a soft bathing agent and after the bath, soak the baby’s skin with special lotions or milk after sunbathing. This will help to clear the skin of salt, sand, algae, moisturise and soothe the «tired» from sunburn skin.
If your baby loves to swim and spends most of their time in the water, this does not mean that their skin does not need protection. Water, reflecting the sun’s rays, increases their impact, which can cause very serious burns. Therefore, always apply a moisture-resistant sunscreen before bathing. For those who like to tinker in the sand, special creams are produced, to which the sand does not stick, which makes it possible not only to return from a walk more or less clean, but also to save the remedy applied to the skin.
After exposure to the sun, the child must be thoroughly bathed in order to wash off the remnants of the sunscreen. Then dry the skin and massage it lightly with a baby cream or a special product after sunburn. Be careful: if the baby is naughty, feels nauseous or if they have fever as these are the signs of a heat stroke. In this case, you need to see a doctor.
Living fauna around
Not only the sun can promote skin stress in the summer. Summer with its rapid flowering and the presence of a large number of insects, exposes the skin to new tests.
Insect bites bring on not only irritations of tender baby skin, but are also capable of causing allergic reactions, swelling and infections. Protection from bloodsucking insects and the elimination of their effects should always alarm parents while having walks in the parks, during visits in the countryside and while visiting tourist camps located in the forest.
Going on vacation with a baby, you should stock up on special mosquito repellents for children. It is not recommended to use adult products.
In addition to repellents, you need to stock up on a cream that will help you quickly remove the itch and soothe the skin.
Simple recommendations
— Choose an effective sunscreen that provides protection from UVA and UVB rays. Apply the product 20 minutes before going outside so that the effects of the filters can fully manifest themselves. — After bathing and wiping with a towel, the sunscreen should be applied again. However, repeated application does not increase the time spent in the sun during the day. — Reduce the stay in the sun from 12pm to 4pm- during peak solar activity. — Kids in the sun should wear lightweight, breathable clothes. The face and ears of the child should be covered with a sunhat. — After water procedures, carefully wipe the baby, as water droplets act like lenses. Do not forget to apply sunscreen again. — In cloudy weather, sunscreen products are also necessary. Clouds pass up to 80% of ultraviolet. — Remember: for toddlers it is contraindicated to sunbathe before one year old. Until the age of three, you should sunbathe very carefully, only with special protective equipment, gradually getting used to the sun.
Experiences of young mothers: how to effectively protect the child’s skin from frost?
In winter time, it is important to take care of the baby’s skin, because it is so tender and sensitive! How to protect the face of the baby from weathering and what products are better to choose?
Thin cold air is dangerous for children’s skin. Cold air has an extremely negative effect on the skin and therefore the baby’s face becomes very sensitive to epidermis.
When staying in frost, aggravated by snowfall and icy wet wind, a child can get: a) cold burn (very red and irritated skin with elements of dryness, red blood vessels), b) cold allergies (redness, irritation, rash — as if with hives), c) total dryness of the skin, d) cracks and busted vessels, e) frostbite
These are the most basic problems that can arise with a baby’s skin, if the mother does not learn how to take care of them properly.
1. Children’s cream. 20 minutes before a walk,apply a dense nutritious and hypoallergenic cream or a product based on natural oils on the face (do not forget about ears and hands!). Distribute with massage movements on the face and wait until it is absorbed (5 minutes), the rest pat with a napkin.
2. It is best that the protective cream includes such ingredients as: vitamins A, E, natural oils (olive, sesame, calendula, cocoa, etc.), beeswax, allantoin, panthenol, and dexpanthenol, all are components that perfectly soothe and relieve inflammation, extracts of medicinal herbs (calendula, lavender, sage, chamomile, etc.). On the child’s lips apply hygienic lipstick or again a layer of protective cream.
3. Skincare after frost. After the walk, take the clothes off the baby and let it adapt to the room temperature. When the redness from the frost disappears, examine the child’s face: how did they endure the wind and frost? Then, look at the result: to remove dryness and redness you can use products based on natural oils. At night, the procedure can be repeated. In the morning, the baby’s face will be with a smile!
Recommendations for massaging babies during their first year of life
Massage for infants is recommended by the vast majority of paediatricians. But at the same time the child should be completely healthy, and the optimal duration of each session should not exceed fifteen minutes. Massaging babies contributes to the strengthening of the relationship and contact between parents and the baby. Additionally, if mom and dad will remember some things, then their child will benefit from such a massage not only for his mental, but also in physical development. If the baby’s massage is carried out regularly and at about the same time, the baby will show signs of joy every time you start to undress them for this procedure. Massage calms a tiny baby, constant eye contact between the baby and mom strengthens their relationship and organises psychological-emotional communication with the help of such important tactile sensations at this age.
1. Determine the correct time for the procedure It should be noted that with the massage the baby feels good only when he does not feel hungry or thirsty. But immediately after feeding, most babies do not like it when someone massages their tummy. Many kids, if they get a tummy massage immediately after feeding or drinking, react to the procedure by regurgitation. Regardless of whether the child is more or less sensitive, massage movements should always be done clockwise.
2. Create a suitable environment Massage should be done in a warm or well-heated rooms, for example in the bathroom. For the massage, the infant should be placed not on a rigid surface, but for example, on a bed of soft blankets. In addition, you can massage your baby only when they are completely healthy. Infants with fever usually resist massage movements and react to them with crying.
3. Stick to the correct duration of the massage For most children, gentle massage delivers joy and pleasure, but on condition that its total duration does not exceed a quarter of an hour.
4. Type of movements during massage Mums, who daily massage their baby, should invest in her movements not only tenderness and love, but also observe a number of simple rules so as not to harm the child’s health. The massage should be performed from the periphery to the centre. You must begin to massage the baby’s fingers and gradually move to the shoulder. When massaging the body, the movements should not be strong and «heavy», as in the case of an adult massage. If the tummy of the baby is massaged, it is best not to touch the right hypochondrium, nor touch the genitals. Movements should be circular and smooth. Let this daily procedure give parents the joy of communicating with their child, and the baby strengthen health and mood!