
A complete evaluation of each product was made, which includes testing of all ingredients, stability, microbiological testing and compatibility testing of the package, and as a result, a safety report was presented.

The report was compiled through Dweck Data by a consultant for natural products in the cosmetics and personal care sector Anthony C. Dueck.

The expert has the necessary powers of the Council for cosmetic products in accordance with the regulations of the European Parliament.

Dweck Data is used to conduct a special evaluation for cosmetic products intended for use by children less than three years old and for cosmetic products intended solely for the purpose of external intimate hygiene.

According to an analysis by Anthony K. Dueck, The following components make up the basis of the health-improving effect of GORKI products.


Oat complex

Oat complex (oat seed oil, oat extract and oatmeal)

The products of the development of oats contains amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, K, E. Mineral substances: phosphorus, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc and silicic acid occupy the most part in the composition — this is very important for the formation of the structure of the proteins of the skin. Unique properties are also due to the high content of valuable bioactive substances: phytosterols (mainly beta-sitosterol and campesterol), squalene, tocopherol and flavonoids, which can counteract the development of negative effects of oxidative stress. The extract also contains saponins (avenacosides A and B); alkaloids (trigonelline, avenin, gramin); sterols; quercetin; beta-glucan; proteins (phenylalanine, unique avenin and Avenalin); amino acids (arginine, lysine, tryptophan); linolenic and silicic acids. In fact, this component is useful for any type of skin, especially for fragile, prone to inflammatory manifestations; it provides a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, restores the protective barrier of the epidermis, softens and moisturises the skin and has an enveloping and astringent effect.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera — soothes the skin, has a bactericidal and tonic effect; moisturizes, promotes regeneration, increases the immune status of the skin, helping to resist external aggressive factors.

Shea butter (Karite) and sunflower

Shea butter (Karite) and sunflower oil are included in the list of important cosmetic oils that have a complex moisturising, nourishing, protective and restoring effect on the skin. Strengthening the regenerative properties, speeding up the healing of cuts, wounds and cracks. Doesn’t have the property of superficial occlusion.

Zinc oxide

Zinc oxide — provides antibacterial, astringent, drying effect, together with beeswax creates a non-occlusive film that protects and insulates against external factors that cause irritation.

According to the analysis of Anthony K. Dueck from the Report on the main groups of the composition:

Aqua (water)

Aqua (water) — The amount of water and its composition for the production of cosmetics and personal care products is monitored in accordance with the instructions on «Good Manufacturing Practices» (ISO 22716).

A group of used surfactants, condiments, preservatives, additional ingredients — are extremely soft, often used, compatible with all types of skin. Ideal for use in children’s care products. All the components used are approved by the FDA as completely harmless substances (GRAS). «... The CIR expert group evaluated the scientific data and concluded that all components used in the production of the GORKI cosmetic line are safe for use in cosmetic products and personal care products.»

Perfume (fragrance)

Perfume (fragrance) — allergens have been calculated and compared with the limits that are provided by the quality and reliability category IFRA. The table below shows the calculated NOAEL values.

All products are in an excellent safety framework, the fragrance does not contain any of the 26 banned allergens. All values are within the allowable range of IFRA values.

The means of the GORKI line are certified by the quality of the UK — the country of the manufacturer, and the certificate of the European Union. Expert Summary:

"... taking into account the general toxicological profile of each ingredient used, the chemical structure, the assessment of the Expert Group on the inspection of cosmetic ingredients (if available), the level of exposure (complete technical data and / or toxicological files are stored for each ingredient) and total daily exposure, was calculated together with a range of acceptable levels of the substance in the plasma in which the therapeutic effect is observed, for each ingredient. Preservatives and dyes have been fully tested in accordance with the limits defined in the various annexes specified in the Regulatory Requirement of the European Parliament and the Council for Cosmetic Products (new edition) 2008/0035 (COD) of 10 November 2009. All necessary warnings have been verified and are in accordance with the instructions.

The raw materials used to create GORKI products are well-known ingredients with a long history of safe use. They are used in concentrations that have been tested and evaluated in similar products and that are stored in the Dweck Data database and have no reports of irritation and other negative effects on the skin. The formula is standard for its type and is created by a company with a long history of safety and quality of production. The products are produced by a company that has been certified for the existence of proper manufacturing and quality control rules and has been tested for proper microbiological quality. In raw materials and packaging there are no impurities or substances in trace amounts that could cause concern.

As a result of the evaluation, the products were classified as: SAFE for children from birth without a clinical skin disease that requires medical treatment.